Online Classes and Diplomas by monthly subscription

How classes work

Every class is based on a real, well known book which the student can order from almost any dealer in new books. The textbook lists for each diploma can be found on the PDF downloads on the right. Every class has several topics from the textbook and assigned readings. Each topic contains an online workbook style lesson, short instructional video's and other learning exercises. About 1/2 way through every class you will find a midterm exam and at the end a final exam. You may retake both lessons and exams as many times as you like. Lessons and exams are auto graded but ONLY YOUR HIGHEST GRADE FOR EACH LESSON AND EXAM IS COUNTED

What do students think?

"So after five or more years of not completing my course work at my previous school, I am finding myself much more inspired to do so now. Being on a monthly subscription I find myself much more inclined to complete coursework, challenging myself to see how much I can get done before my next payment is due. Now it was never that the coursework wasn't manageable but, that I wasn't setting reasonable goals for myself. Having the monthly subscription actually allows me to set better goals. I love and appreciate this program very much especially for being so patient with me."